Redmine Taskjuggler Plugin
Redmine and Taskjuggler go together are like Cookies and Milk

Redmine_Taskjuggler plugin for Redmine to Interact with TaskJuggler

Redmine_Taskjuggler is a plugin for the Redmine open-source ticketing software that connects to the TaskJuggler open-source scheduling software. Like cookies and milk, Redmine and Taskjuggler are made for each other!

More detailed documentation is in the ./doc/ subdirectory: HOWTOs, diagrams, notes, credits, license, and todo.


Here is what redmine_taskjuggler does with you :

Notes on the current version 0.1.2-beta

This is a begining beta release. It works, and we have incorporated a major new feature set from RedmineWorkload.

Reserves : * On the project being compiled, you need to input by hand the tj_period such that the start and end dates are coherent with the project (yyyy-mm-dd - yyyy-mm-dd). In the future I can change them with containing TimeEntries. * In some cases, and I have not yet been able to reproduce this, the TJP file will have the keywork start without a date in a task. This will cause the TJ3 program to fail to compile and you need to change it by hand by removing start or adding a date. Please tell me if you can reproduce.

Running automated tests

rake redmine:plugins:test I think you can add NAME=”redmine_taskjuggler” or PLUGIN=”redmine_taskjuggler”

Notes on the previous version 0.1.1-alpha

This is an advanced alpha release. It works, but one should follow a few indications.

The basic idea is that you :

  1. set up the model in Redmine first,
  2. then export the TJP file,
  3. then compute the TJP file on your own computer,
  4. and then upload the computed CSV file to redmine.

Here are the features under developement:

Here is the backlog

There was a demo set up here:


Install into redmine/plugins directory. Really the redmine/plugins directory. If that directory is not there, on the top level, please create it. This is important actully.

bundle exec rake redmine:plugins RAILS_ENV=production


rake db:migrate:plugin NAME=redmine_taskjuggler

then restart the webserver.

To uninstall

rake db:migrate:plugin NAME=redmine_taskjuggler VERSION=0


Many steps were manual in the first version. Today, the idea is to automate parts of the use of Taskjuggler from Redmine, and to update Redmine from Taskjuggler. Here is the current workflow:

  1. Information is maintained in Redmine
  2. Redmine Issues are tagged for Taskjuggler Tasks (all time-sheet candidate tasks and others)
  3. Flaged Issues are augmented with any necessary extra info for Taskjuggler (allocate, effort)
  4. The administrator creates Taskjuggler master file (with Tasks extended with a field “Red” of type “number”)
  5. Redmine exports a Taskjuggler Include file for computation by Taskjuggler
  6. Taskjuggler computes the input file and outputs, among other reports, outputs a Redmine-Taskjuggler CSV file with the following columns (no more, no less) : “Id”,”Start”,”End”,”Priority”,”Effort”,”Duration”,”Dependencies”
  7. Redmine will then update per issue the start, end, and effort fields

Getting the plugin

A copy of the released version can be downloaded from GitHub redmine_taskjuggler page

Installation and Setup

  1. Follow the Redmine plugin installation steps at: Make sure the plugin is installed to +plugins/redmine_taskjuggler+
  2. Restart your Redmine web servers (e.g. mongrel, thin, mod_rails)
  3. Login and click the Workload in the top left menu


Zip or tar files

  1. Download the latest file as described in Getting the plugin
  2. Extract the file to your Redmine into vendor/plugins
  3. Restart your Redmine


  1. Open a shell to your Redmine’s plugins/redmine_taskjuggler folder
  2. Update your Git copy with git pull
  3. Restart your Redmine


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Design Decisions

Design decisions concern mainly the way redmine_taskjuggler maps Redmine objects to TaskJuggler objects.

Project help

If you need help you can contact the maintainer at his email address (See CREDITS.txt) or create an issue in the Bug Tracker.

Bug tracker

If you would like to report a bug or request a new feature the bug tracker is located at:


In timetable! sort by project then project category.

Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015 Christopher Mann AGPL v.3 (see ./doc/ and ./doc/